Task Tracker

Budget : Rs.13,000.00

Job Description

Project Title: Task Tracker Description: I am looking for a android skilled developer to create a task tracker that focuses on team collaboration and communication. The ideal candidate should have experience in creating task tracking systems with a strong emphasis on team collaboration. Features needed: - Team collaboration and communication capabilities - Ability to track tasks and provide progress updates - Time tracking and reporting functionality - List view for task tracking Integration: - No integration with other tools or platforms is required Preferred method of task tracking: - List view Overall, the task tracker should provide a seamless and efficient way for teams to collaborate, communicate, and track their tasks in a list view format. Below are list of the activity app required: Register Login Forgot Password Dashboard List of activity Activity Profile Basic Detail Bank Account Referral Earning Pending Approved Withdrawal
Skills required
Posted By Abhishek Bajpai / 03 Jul 2023 - 06:48 AM
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