Require WordPress & Shopify Freelancer for Short Term

Budget : Rs.12,000.00

Job Description

I am in need of a skilled WordPress and Shopify freelancer for 6 small website/graphic changes projects for the short-term. Platform Assistance: - The freelancer should be experienced with both WordPress and Shopify platforms. Main Tasks: - The main task will be website design, including small customization, graphic changes, and testing. Duration: - The freelancer's assistance will be required for more than 2 weeks. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in WordPress and Shopify platforms - Strong background in website design - Experience in customizing websites - Knowledge of graphic design - Ability to conduct thorough testing - Attention to detail and ability to deliver high-quality work within the given timeframe. Please note milestones will be created after 2 weeks and the start date will be Wednesday 25th November. Project briefs for all 6 projects have been created and will be provided once you answer the following questions below. Also quote the refere
Skills required
Posted By Adarsh / 24 Oct 2023 - 04:31 PM
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