App and management system for barter club

Budget : Rs.50,000.00

Job Description

I am looking for an app developer to create an app and management system for my barter club. I need a mobile-friendly solution, as many users are expected to use the system. It should include website building, account management, and payment systems. I am looking for a developer that can create a reliable and secure platform for managing this platform. Please contact me if you have experience developing systems like this. Concept: The business model is based on the concept of bartering, where people can trade items with each other for points. These points represent monetary value and can be used to acquire other items within your system. Physical location: There will be physical place like a shop where people meet to trade their items and a monthly or yearly club fee to be part of this system . Points system: It implements a points system where each item has a specific value expressed in points. For example, a high value item might be worth 100 points, while a lower value item might be worth only 20 points. You can set point values ​​based on factors such as an item's rarity, usefulness, or demand. So basically people swap items with points first and then points with other items . If points are not enough can be purchased . Management apps: Create a smartphone app or website that allows people to manage their points, view items available for exchange, and track transactions. The app should allow users to upload photos of the items they want to trade, enter a description, and specify the point value. Acquisition of points: People can earn points by participating in exchanges in the shop, or they can buy them directly through the app, if they don't have enough to make a desired exchange. Points exchange: Once users have accumulated enough points, they can use them to acquire other items available in the system. It could have a catalog of items where users can choose what they want and trade using the accumulated points. Feedback and ratings: Implement a feedback and ratings system to ensure trades are fair and reliable. Users can leave reviews of other barter participants, thus building a community based on trust and reputation. Partnerships: We can create partnerships with other businesses or shops to increase the variety of items available for trade. For example, we could partner with local clothing stores, bookstores, or restaurants to give your users a wider selection of items to trade.  
Skills required
Posted By Sonal Srivastav / 03 Jul 2023 - 11:48 AM
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